Author: cloghervalley

Inter-Club Competitions 2014 | Captains & Draws

Inter-Club Competition Captains 2014

Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon G.U.I. Ulster Cup Captain: Maurice Coalter

C.V.G.C. to play Clones Golf Club

home leg to be played on Sunday, 13th April | away leg to be played on Sunday, 27th April


Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon G.U.I. Ulster 4 Ball Trophy Captain: Mervyn Spratt

C.V.G.C. to play Bundoran Golf Club

away leg to be played on Sunday, 13th April | home leg to be played on Sunday, 27th April


Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon Lawson Cup Captain: Raymond Farrell

C.V.G.C. to play Castle Hume Golf Club by the end of June


Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon Conway Cup Captain: Tony Fee

C.V.G.C. to play winners of Omagh Golf Club & Blacklion Golf Club in quarter final, to be played by the end of June


Relevant Sheets are on the Notice Board for anyone wishing to put their name forward to play in the above Inter-Club Competitions or Contact Match & Handicap Secretary, Malachy Graham


Ladies Scramble Evening

Spring has definitely ‘sprung’ and we couldn’t have asked for a better evening to tee off our 2014 Ladies’ Scramble!

A huge thank you to our Lady Members who came along to welcome the new lady golfers and show them around the course. We hope you had an enjoyable round of golf and, of course, we look forward to welcoming you back next week again!

Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon Remember our Golf Lessons start in a few weeks time – 23rd April 2014 – so if you are interested, please sign up shortly as places are limited.

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Slieve Russell Outing | Sunday, 6 April 2014

Sign Up for a Day of Golf at Slieve Russell Golf Club, finished off with a Meal & Prizes

Opened just over a decade ago, Slieve Russell Hotel, Golf & Country Club nestles in the County Cavan countryside and has established itself as one of the top golf resorts in Ireland. The course was designed by Paddy Merrigan and there aren’t many who don’t enjoy his creation. The main features of the course are two large lakes which are connected by a stream. Water, therefore, is a hazard on a number of the holes and you’ll definitely do well to negotiate your way around without getting wet at least once.

Sunday, 6th April 2014 | Tee-off time 10:55

Price: £40 (to be paid in FULL by 30th March 2014)

Including Golf, Meal & Prizes

Golf-Club-Green-icon  ‘Sign up Sheet’ on the Clubhouse Noticeboard

Results for the Danske Bank, Derek Lee Memorial 18 Hole Open Stableford Competition

Clogher Valley Golf Club : Take Note Icon Results from last weekend’s Danske Bank, Derek Lee Memorial 18 hole Open Stableford Competition

Gents 1st | Malachy Graham (43 pts)

Runner Up | Eugene Rooney (41 pts, on count back)

Gents 3rd | John Graydon (41 pts)

Front 9 | Leonard Kelly (21 pts)

Back 9 | Glen Fawcett (24pts)

Gross | Kenny Robinson (81 gross)

Longest Drive | Garfield Bell

Nearest the Pin | Colin Bell (Enniskillen Golf Club)

Seniors (9 hole Competition) | Dessie McCormack

Ladies 1st Prize | Lady Captain, Carmel Rooney

[alert color=”green”]  Prizes will be awarded at the Prize Giving on Friday, 2nd May in the Clubhouse. All winners are expected to attend but, should you be unable to, you must inform the Club Fixtures Secretary, Malachy Graham beforehand.[/alert]

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Captains’ Drive In | 9 hole Scramble

Captains' Drive In  Winning Team (score 22.2)

Winston Burke (missing from above photograph)
Colin Campbell
Michael Cassidy
Hazel McDonald
Henrietta Willis

Captains' Drive In  Runners Up (score 23.7)

John Burrell
Kevin King
Norman Lyons
Jenny Williamson

Captains' Drive In  3rd Place (score 23.9)

Peter Bogue
Maurice Coalter
Keiran McBrien
Stephen McClelland
Competition Results for Captains’ Drive In | Official Start to the Golfing Season at Clogher Valley Golf Club, Tyrone & Fermanagh

For other Competitions and Fixtures throughout the year, check out our Club Golfing Fixtures 2014 page

Captains’ Drive In: Sunday, 23rd March 2014

After a damp start the sun broke through the clouds for our Captains’ Drive-In, 2014.

It was great to see such a good turn-out for the 9 hole Scramble followed by refreshments, soup and sandwiches in the Clubhouse – see Competition Results Page for Winners and Runners Up

Here are some of those who took part – apologies to the teams we missed!!

The Winning Team : Hazel, Winston, Colin, Henrietta & Michael

The Winning Team : Hazel, Winston, Colin, Henrietta & Michael

Mervyn, Lady Capt Carmel, Capt Billy & Glen

Mervyn, Lady Capt Carmel, Capt Billy & Glen

Raymond, Jack M, Tony & Jack R

Raymond, Jack M, Tony & Jack R




John, Jenny, Norman & Kevin

John, Jenny, Norman & Kevin

Paul, Eamon, Lady Capt Carmel & Eugene

Paul, Eamon, Lady Capt Carmel & Eugene

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Ladies Scramble Evenings

Starting Tuesday 1st April and every Tuesday evening during Summer – meet at the Clubhouse @ 6.30pm

This is a great opportunity for any of our new Lady Members or those signed up for Golf Lessons to get out on the course.  Get to know your way around the course, local rules, course etiquette and meet up with fellow Lady Golfers for a fun and ‘no pressure’ round of golf.

Ladies Singles & Monthly Competitions

A slight change to how we play our Ladies Singles Competition this year.

Starting 1 April 2014 the Ladies Section will run a Monthly Competition for all our Lady Members.

You may enter/play as many times as you wish during the month – £2 per entry

Front 9 and Back 9 played on alternate months, starting April 2014 – Front 9

The best card in any month wins that Month’s Prize – the more times you play the more chance you have of winning!

Ladies Singles Competition

As above, Starting 1 April 2014 and running to 31 August 2014.

Best Monthly Scores for each of the 5 months will be used to determine our Ladies Singles Winner.

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