A great night of good food and good company to round off Captain Patsy’s Captain’s Day. Under very windy conditions Niall Wilson returned a superb card with 46 pts to take 1st place and the Captain’s Prize of a range-finder – well done Niall!! All prizewinners are listed below …
Captain Patsy thanked everyone who had helped in any way with making his day such a success and especially all those who had donated to his chosen charity ‘Cystic Fibrosis Trust’. At the last count £1,275 had been raised! 

Dancing and some star turns on the mic
ensured the good craic continued long after the formalities.

Congratulations Captain Patsy on a brilliant day! 

1st: Niall Wilson, 46pts
1st: Niall Wilson, 46pts
2nd: Mark McGarrigle, 47pts (n/e)
3rd: Brendan McCusker, 43pts
Gross: Harry Carson, 72 gross
Past Captain: William Crawford, 39pts
Visitor: Gary Goodwin, 37pts
Front 9: Billy O’Malley, 25pts
Back 9: Chris Bloomfield, 24pts
Nearest the Pin: Christopher McMulkin
Nearest the Line: Norman Kerr
1st: Gillian Chartres, 39pts
2nd: Linda Armstrong, 36pts
3rd: Barbara Kingston, 35pts
Nearest the Pin: Betty Monaghan